Sunday 21 September 2008

End of the Road Music Festival

Mr. de Vere and myself put together a proposal for going to the End of the Road music festival. the Festival has a wide selection of music, and the sort of music i enjoy, with good bands and Artists. I made 15 plates that weekend with a process i still did not fully understand or appreciate its little nuances, each plate was floored, at first i was dis-heartened, but their reaction to the process and the idea of their image captured seemed to strike a chord within them. Each plate was not floored, it was filled, thanks be to Mr. de Vere.

I made an image of the helpers and organizers of the festival, but most memorable will be Justin Bon Iver, the last image as the sun went down.

Thank you Luke Hopper for the pictures.
and Gareth Jasper for all his help.

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